A Revolutionary Reinvention of Anilox Ink Transfer


Out-of-Production Densitometer? See Techkon’s Spring 2019 Trade-In Offer!

Today’s printers demand more from their densitometers. They know that relying on out-of-production - legacy devices is risky business.

That’s why operators worldwide are upgrading to Techkon’s SpectroDens. It’s the fastest and easiest way to accurately control color and density in the pressroom – with full support for ISO and G7® methodologies - and it’s the most ergonomic device on the market.

For the 2019 spring season, we’re offering a great trade-in opportunity. From now until June 30, 2019, you can trade-in your out-of-production densitometerfor a new SpectroDens Premium or Advanced and receive up to $1000 for your legacy device.

This is an amazing opportunity to upgrade to the 2018 InterTech award winner and experience why the judges applauded its unique “combination of super-fast measurement speeds, heightened intelligence, and a built-in mode for color bar scanning” and concluded they “foresee SpectroDens4 becoming the spectrophotometer of choice in many pressrooms.”

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Techkon is the innovation leader in densitometers, spectrophotometers and color software solutions for the global print community. With a track record of 30 + years of continued technological excellence, Techkon products are chosen for their high degree of measurement accuracy, repeatability, reliability and ease of operation in all sectors of the printing industry. Techkon’s innovative color measurement solutions have led to highly successful implementations by leading OEM press manufacturers and large commercial printers, yielding dramatic gains in quality, productivity and cost savings.

Source: Techkon

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