A Revolutionary Reinvention of Anilox Ink Transfer


FTA-Europe Packaging Conference 2019 - last chance to book your hotel!

This event will take place at the Metropole Hotel in Brussels (Place De Brouckère 31, 1000 Bruxelles). We have negotiated a price and blocked rooms for delegates, which can be booked until 20th January. After this date, hotel rooms will be subject to availability and the price not guaranteed. Details about how to register and book your hotel room are contained on the Registration Form.



Packaging Design and Systems for a Circular World

Kęstutis Sadauskas

Director for Circular Economy and Green Growth at DG Environment, European Commission


Packaging Trends

Joanna Stephenson

Managing Director of PHD Marketing and Co-Founder of Women in Packaging


Inclusive Design Inspired by an Ageing Population

Guy Douglass

Creative Strategy Director at Parker Williams Ltd – Sun Branding Solutions


Food Waste or Packaging Waste? Carbon Footprint of Plastic Food Packaging

Bernd Brandt

Senior Consultant at denkstatt


Functionality, Convenience and Sustainability of Packaging

Prof. Dr. Ir. Peter Ragaert

Professor and Technological Adviser at Pack4Food, University of Ghent


European Printed Packaging Market Trends

Ania Krolak

Managing Consultant at Smithers Pira (Smithers Information)



Gerd Bergmann

Editorial Director of Flexo&Gravure Global / Flexo+TiefDruck (G&K TechMedia GmbH)


The final high-level speakers will be announced soon!




Wednesday 20 February

18:30-20:00, Welcome Cocktail


Thursday 21 February

08:30-17:00, Packaging Conference

19:30-22:00, Conference Dinner


Friday 22 February

09:00-12:00, Visit to European Parliament


To register just:


  1. Download the Registration Form from Intergraf’s website
  2. Complete and save your details
  3. Return your form to Reka Sipos at Intergraf (rsipos@intergraf.eu)





This event is targeted towards high-level professionals in the European packaging value chain. Participants are attending from European and national industry associations, market research institutes, packaging printing companies and their suppliers, representatives of the European Commission and journalists.





Intergraf is the trade association representing the European printing industry: www.intergraf.eu


Smithers Pira is a market research institute and the global authority on the packaging, paper and print industry supply chains: www.smitherspira.com


FTA Europe is the European umbrella association representing the flexographic community: www.fta-europe.eu

Source: FTA Europe

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