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Flexofit Uganda: improving industry conditions

Improving conditions in this African country’s printing industry
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Bad Vilbel, 27th June 2019 – The Flexofit GmbH held a very successful Flexofit seminar in Kampala, Uganda on the 13th of June. International company representatives from Esko, Chespa, Renzmann, Nilpeter, Gama and Koenig & Bauer presented latest industry news and developments in printing and packaging to the expert audience in this East African country. The presentations in the seminar covered a wide range of special topics and discussions. Prepress, plate making, printing devices and facilities, as well as techniques and water-based solutions were discussed in addition to local challenges and changes. The subsequent networking around the seminar was perceived to be fruitful, let to technical and economical discussions and thus generating mutual benefits.

Market insights: Uganda // School for Flexography
Uganda is an equatorial country, known for its coffee and tea exports as well as its wildlife. In the last twenty years the economy has had a yearly growth between five and ten percent. Recently new printing machines have been installed in the country and a better understanding of printing processes and improved quality of printing was noticed. To improve the conditions further and establish a stronger industry, local companies are currently planning to set up a specialized education institution for printing technologies, ideally with the support of a Flexographic Technical Association (FTA).

Hans-Peter Hormann, General Manager of Flexofit comments: “The printing industry in Uganda is getting stronger and we believe the set-up of an internationally recognized school could really push the development of the local industry and help the population."

5th Flexofit Kenya Seminar

Additionally, the 5th Flexofit Kenya Seminar was held on 18th of June in Nairobi. "The Flexofit seminars offer us here in Kenya a great way to partake in the international printing scene and experience latest developments firsthand. We appreciate this continuous effort very warmly and enjoy the occurring synergies that bring prosperity for both the printing industry and our country" Godfrey Otieno Adede, Printing specialist, stated.

Upcoming Flexofit Seminars in 2019 will take place in Africa and Asia, planned are Manila/Philippines, Bangkok/Thailand, Accra/Ghana and Riyadh/Saudi Arabia.

For more information please visit www.flexofit-print.com.

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About Flexofit

Grey and Hans-Peter Hormann founded the Flexofit GmbH in 2015 in Bad Vilbel in Germany. As consultants they are connecting European producers of print technology with industry experts in the African and Asian markets. Flexofit transfers profound knowledge of the Flexo technology in seminars and workshops according to the specific requirements of the countries and their markets. For further information please visit www.flexofit-print.com.

Source: Flexofit

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